The impact of teleworking on the effectiveness of the results of the Court of Auditors of the State of Minas Gerais


  • Mirtes Conrado Dias de Oliveira Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Minas Gerais (TCEMG)


teleworking; home office; productivity; quality of life; performance.


Teleworking is a type of distance work developed through the use of information and communication technology and promotes an organizational culture oriented to results and not to the time worked, generating benefits to the strategic planning of organizations, which can make their performance evaluation by analyzing results. At the Court of Accounts of the State of Minas Gerais, teleworking was implemented as a pilot plan for one year and, after that period, due to the overcoming of the established goals and the detection of significant impacts on the quality of life, productivity, motivation and commitment of the server, the home office was definitely introduced at the institution. To assess the degree of effectiveness of teleworking, a survey was conducted with employees involved in the modality and their respective managers. The poll indicated a very successful result on the proposed items. Some necessary actions were identified for a better integration of the telework server to your team and the development of leadership profiles.


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