The environmental goals and targets of the Agenda 2030 and the execution of the environmental management function by the budgetary programs of the PPA 2020-2023


  • Igor Leonardo Oliveira de Sousa Câmara dos Deputados



Gestão ambiental, Política Nacional de Meio Ambiente, Plano plurianual, Execução orçamentária


This article addresses the Brazilian cooperative federalism model and the debate on sustainable development and environmentalprotection, with an analysis of the division of powers to resolve environmental issues, in the implementation of public policiesand inspection. In this regard, the work makes a brief examination of the role and importance of public consortia, an instrument created by Law nº 11.107/2005 based on art. 241 of the 1988 Constitution, in the sharing of responsibilities, especially in termsof the environment, presenting the experience of the Northeast Consortium and the elaboration of its Integrated Environmental Action Plan, among other measures. This article is based on the idea of the Socio-environmental Rule of Law, which tracks the understanding of the environment as a fundamental right inherent to human dignity, in addition to the international commitments to protect biodiversity to which Brazil is a signatory. The approach of this research is qualitative, exploratory, explanatory, supported by review and bibliographic and documentary research.


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Author Biography

Igor Leonardo Oliveira de Sousa, Câmara dos Deputados

Assessor Legislativo na Câmara dos Deputados do Congresso Nacional. É advogado.


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