Aplicabilidade do artigo 30 da Constituição do Estado de Goiás no exercício do controle externo
External Control. Workforce of the public administration. Composition. State of Goiás Government. State of Goiás Constitution .Abstract
This article discusses the applicability of article 30 of the Constitution of the State of Goiás regarding the exercise of external control and makes considerations about the composition of the public administration workforce. The methodology adopted included legislative research, as well as qualitative and quantitative data analysis using the Qlik Sense platform. It could be verified that this part of the Constitution represented an innovation at the time of its edition. Notwithstanding the fact that the regulated content (relating to personnel and advertising expenses) is more widely covered by the accounts required by current accounting applied to the public sector, such legal provisions have relevant content and promote accountability. Section I deals with matters not yet regulated and is highly relevant to assist in the management and supervision of the public service staff, such as the data sample tabulated in this study that demonstrated distortions in the state's staff, as a function of the a considerable number of temporary servants in the Executive branch (22.3%) and those in the Legislative branch (89.3%).
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